Vegan breakfast
My search for Alan Shearer continued on day 2 in Newcastle. I failed to find him but did find a wonderful vegan cafe instead called Vegano. A full vegan breakfast was enjoyed by Shaz. Tofu as scrambled eggs always confuses me, but I enjoy it regardless.
The Discovery Museum
After breakfast I headed to the Discovery museum. This free museum has exhibitions ranging from the history of Newcastle, to the Army, to migrant history. My favourite parts of the museum, detailed the history of Newcastle from Roman times to today. A big part of Newcastle’s industrialisation and success was due to coal, leading to the transition away from fossil fuels discussion. The felt like left wing propaganda and the army exhibition felt like right wing propaganda, so they cancelled each other out.
Lunch with Mr Tubb
Once I had finished learning about the history of Newcastle I met up with my friend Richard. He gave me a guided tour of the city centre. Richard had moved to Newcastle from Birmingham over three years ago and so was able to translate from Geordie to Brummie when required. We walked around Grainger market and stopped by a Retro gaming shop. I took delight at seeing Sega Worldwide Soccer 97, whilst Richard talked Atari with the shop owner. For lunch we had Mac n Cheese in Grainger Market. It was delicious.
The Great North Museum (Hancock)
I fought the urge for nap time to walk through Newcastle University to get to the Hancock Museum. The Hancock Museum has exhibitions on the animal kingdom, dinosaurs, and Hadrian’s Wall. There are also exhibitions the Ancient Greeks and Romans, which is classic museum fodder. My favourite exhibitions were those about the dinosaurs, because everybody wants to be a dinosaur, but reality prevents that from happening. I’ve never learnt about Hadrian’s Wall before and so I enjoyed discovering about the practicalities of the construction and how migrants across the whole of the Roman Empire were brought in to live, work and defend the wall.
More beer
By the end of the exploration of the Great North Museum, my brain had had enough of learning for the day. It was definitely time for a beer. I have a second non Geordie friend living in Newcastle and so I met up with a Senior Minister of the Heaton Baptist Church, Dave Tubby. He is of no known relation to Richard Tubb. Dave and I walked down to the Quayside to partake in a beer or two. Firstly we had a few beers at a brewery at the side of the River Tyne, followed by a second visit to the Crown Posada. We discussed religion and our thoughts on the EU. Talking about religion is interesting for me, because I rarely do so.
Of course since we were Quayside, Dave took the opportunity to show me how to walk over several bridges. We become a nuisance to cyclists by taking photos in the shared cyclist and walking path. Day 2 was a success. Shaz learnt about the history of Newcastle until his brain stopped working and enjoyed the company of a Tubb and a Tubby. Part 3 of the Newcastle trip will detail men and women in tiny pants, throwing each other around, at a professional wrestling show as well as a religious pilgrimage for Newcastle United fans to St James Park.